I`m setting the DVD recorder for this. Should be interesting. A friend of mine used to be a psychiatric nurse and was going to apply for a job at Broadmoor but a charter airline job came up and she didn`t know what to do. She ended up working with violent people, hopeless drunks and psychopaths and her flying career was very successful.
This is a repeat from the programme first shown during the week. I was disappointed, they were not allowed to show about 50% of it, pixellated the faces and switching cameras off when there was any kind of restraint, so not really worth showing as it didn't depict real life inside there.
I worked in a psychiatric hospital (with violent criminals transferred from prison) and if they had cameras on 24/7 you'd probably be watching footage of lots of people sleeping.
The various meds they are on for their various conditions usually means they are only really interested in sleeping and eating.
It's only occasionally someone kicks off and 9 times out of 10 you know it's going to happen long before it does so the staff are prepared.
Although saying that the riot squad often get called.
The hospital I worked at was built in 1838. It was big and grand but very very depressing. The subsequent extensions and new buildings have a completely different feel to them.