Magic tricks for children. in The AnswerBank: Family & Relationships
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Magic tricks for children.

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flobadob | 19:28 Sat 09th Apr 2011 | Family & Relationships
7 Answers
Has anyone got any simple magic tricks, that a child could do preferably. Or even simple ones that are impressive. I remember there used to be a maths one in which you could always know the answer due to one of the numbers you put into the equation, but I can't remember it now. My 7 year old is into magic at the mo so it's just for a bit of fun until he loses interest, which will prob be within a week.
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There are loads of Children's magic trick books on Amazon.....or Smiths or any bookshop would have them.
I used to pick them up around Xmas time as stocking fillers.
What about the dropping the invisible ball into the paper bag? You pretend to throw a ball into the air and as it "lands" in the bag, you flick the bag with your finger so it sounds as if it's dropped in?

Or the one where you make a napkin peak stand up in your hand then wind a pretend hair round the top and pretend that you are tugging the hair while using your thumb pressed into he napkin so it bend towards the direction you are "tugging" from.
yes i have a good card trick: before showing to an audiance seperate your cards in to two piles one pile red one black. now invite your audiance in to the room ask some one to pick a pile then to pick a card out of that pile once picked put it in the other pile. now simpley look for the only odd card and whala i have your card
My dad showed me when i was wee!

Person picks a card and gives it to you , you dont look!
Keep card facing the person and hold it up lengthways between Your thumb and forefinger. Rub the front of the card saying....oooh is itttt red? Is it 7? Is it 7 of hearts (or whatevers correct!! .....trick is u hav the card a bit bent so u can see it lol xxxx
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mini, yeah I know that one it is good. tink, I will probably be using the cards for poker at some stage so I don't wanna be known as a marker.

I know a good trick were you use 21 cards. Let someone pick one and look at it then put it back into pack. You then deal out three piles one card at a time. Each time the person tells you which pile their card is in. You pick up the three piles putting the pack with their card in the middle. You do this 3 times. After that their card is either the 7th or 11th card from the top, I can't remember which. You can mess about with this trick a bit.
I think the simplest and easy trick for a 7-year-old child would be spoon-bending trick. Here is the description: The key to performing easy magic tricks for kids like this is all in how you hold the spoon while “bending” it. Grab the spoon and hold it with both hands closed around the handle. Make sure that the spoon is not peeking out the top of your hands. Now place the bottom bowl of the spoon, open side up, onto the table. As you begin to press down on the spoon, you allow the handle to slide along the inside of your hand until it reaches the bottom of your palm. This makes it look like the spoon is bending from the spectator’s point of view, even though you are not bending it at all. Your other hand that appears to be gripping the spoon is hiding the spoon handle sliding in your first hand.

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