Hi everyone, This is a serious question, I am not being flippant.
I keep seeing the initials: IMAO and LMFAO on various threads; the others seem to understand what they mean, (at least, they don't query it ) but I do not!
Would some kind person say in plain English what these initials do mean, please? Thanks.
jno, thanks muchly for introducing me to the mysteries of the emoticon, and also the list of abbreviations. Now I understand what all the dots, colons and O's were about - easy when you know how! Thanks for taking the trouble to send me the site.
Jacko50 I've saved the link in my faves... not sure how much use it'll be now that I spend so little time in chatrooms (I used to chat for 8+ hours a day back in the old Excite VP days, when it was free!) but it is fun to look over the old and the new abbrevs! I notice there are one or 2 missing but that's probably down to the fact that many were somewhat, shall we say, rude?? (see ROFLMFAO)