It is a skill, mainly because, although it looks like a conversation, it's not.
Last weekend, I did some videoed interviews at the London Drum Show with guest musicians.
I interview musicians regularly, and it is usually informal, I tape our conversations for my use only, so if I tell an appropriate story, or interupt, or laugh, or say 'Ummm', or whatever, it doesn't matter.
But the art of visual interviewing is entirely different -
the interviewer is of secondary importance, and the skill is to ask a question and then shut up while it is answered, only steering to keep on point, and avoid too much in response.
So interaaction, all of which I listed above as normal conversation, is taken out, which takes concentration. You need to engage the interviewee while keping track of time, responses, having your next question ready, but also being ready to go off piste and develop an interesting line of thought that arises from the dialgue.
So no, it's not as easy as it looks!!