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Anybody Know The Name Of Those

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trt | 02:04 Sun 16th Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
tube light thing's that you put in a child's bedroom or nursery.

They are quite tall and give off a relaxing glow, a bit like those 60 lava lamps but a lot bigger. Thanks.


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I have found this on the 'net this morning. Its 2 feet tall apparently.
That looks right Hans...I couldn't find these when I looked earlier. Very reasonable at only £24. But I wouldn't recommend Amazon to anybody...awful employer and they use tricks so as not to pay much, if any tax !

Available from Ebay, at the same price, with free p+p ::
And you can collect from your nearest ARGOS store, if you are not in to receive parcels !
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Blimey thanks Mikey & Hans,

Just what I was looking for, and I really tried before I posted.

Have you worked at Amazon Mikey, as I have used them for years and no complaints?

Thanks again.
I haven't worked there but I know plenty who have, as they have a warehouse ( sorry...a "fulfilment centre" they are American after all ) in Swansea, the size of about 11 football pitches. It is non-unionised and the working conditions are pretty awful. There have been many investigations into Amazon by the papers and on TV. Here are a few examples.

To be honest I thought all this was common knowledge. Of course your experience as a consumer was OK, but they achieve this by the way they work and that they refuse to pay any corporation tax in Britain, beyond a token amount. That is why I no longer use Amazon. I have no wish to support this kind of company.

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