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fruitsalad | 17:12 Sun 16th Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Do you think woman and men who try to look perfect I.e. by having plastic surgery, botox etc etc just look boring and ridiculous and also all similar to each other, I much prefer someone with character in their face like a few laughter lines, gap in front teeth, a small scar, whats with all this having to look perfect.


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fruitsalad: I look like I've been dragged through a bush backwards at the moment. Single? teh hehe
Ummmm: You weren't the only one. I didn't leave the bar till about 4:30 in the morning and then started again when I saw you two outside lol. As much as I hate the fact my marriage failed I must admit her mum paid a lot of money and at least everyone had a good time. I think I drank about 2 litres of vodka that night.
I don't remember what I drank :-) I remember being called to the dance floor and silently saying 'don't fall over don't fall over'
You were on all sorts! You worser half teamed up with Woody and gave the barman hell lol. Woody's OH wasn't best pleased. They then started taking the mic out of each other - I was in pieces laughing. I proved my ex wrong though :) she went ape when I told her I'd invited you to my wedding; someone she didn't know! Oh noes....
I'm friends with Mel on FB. She's an impressive woman.
Not even I'm friends with Mel on Facebook, us blokes stick together lol. I've not seen either of them for ages. Woody came to see me when I was dying in hospital but I was so drugged up I don't remember any of it. I need to make an appearance at your gaff soon, have a laugh and what not! Dog walk time!
Skeletons in closets??
You know you're always welcome xx

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