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Celebs In The Jungle

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sandyRoe | 09:44 Mon 17th Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Are there no poisonous animals in that jungle? No scorpions, deadly spiders, or venomous snakes to give the contestants sleepless nights?


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i'm living in hope :-)
09:45 Mon 17th Nov 2014
i'm living in hope :-)
I would think there is Sandy, it's the Bush Area but I'm sure they will try and screen it the best they can.
I can understand people going on a programme like that if they are in need of money. But what makes the rest of them go on?

Granted I wouldn't pass the psychiatric exam but there would be no way that I would ever humiliate myself in such a way. I need flushing toilets and hot showers, internet access, freedom to do what I want when I want (if the cats allow me).

Thankfully I don't have one of those television things.

Sandy - has your young lady friend changed her perfume from Fox?
if i was a minor celebrity and had a penchant for kangaroo testicles i would be tempted to apply
I'd pay good money to spend 3 weeks in a jungle with Carl Foggarty - Grrrrrrr
In direct answer to your question Sandy....we can but hope !
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Wolf63, the parfume du vixen is slowly fading.

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Celebs In The Jungle

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