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I Remember.....

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Tilly2 | 13:24 Sun 16th Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
135 Answers
There was a lovely article in the family section of yesterday's Guardian by The poet, Wendy Cope. It was a list of things she remembers from her childhood. Just simple, eveyday o
things which she has brought to mind. It made me smile at the end of a stressful day.

So, shall we have a go? Just start ypur post with.... I remember.

Here's mine.
I remember doing a reading test at school and recognising the word refrigerator. I was so proud of myself.


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// getting a Rover 90, the car of his dreams, //

The Earl of Sandwich used to have one [d.1963] and one of his men used to give us rides in it
My father died in 1963.....
I remember my first school - toilets were very basic and at the bottom of the playground.
Time to be moving here, me thinks. Have a great day all and stay safe in what ever you are doing..... points at minty
Wrong post....losing it.
-- answer removed --
i will choose your nursing home DT ..don't worry xx
I remember, aged 2 being in London and seeing Trafalgar Sq and all the pigeons. I have a photograph of my Mother and I standing among all the birds. My face is like fizz because the birds were all so noisy and were EVERYWHERE. They were little krap machines and I had on a new coat.! !
That's a good idea Peter Pedant - I should do that in case the memories fade away.

One I remember being in my last house and I was about 13 (I know it is old enough) but can't resist telling you this.

Anyway my brother who was pretty hyper in the mornings - "didn't really want to go to work" - he went to the wee hall to lift the post - while he was doing so - my poor mother left his bowl of porridge on the settee (know that was wrong) he is reversing busy looking at the mail and sat on the porridge. God how I laughed when his *** was oozing with the gloopy porridge.

^^^^ Ar$$e
Peter - I do have so many memories and you are correct again in that one of my friends has no memory pretty much of nothing. Always had a poor memory.

When I tell her things that happened to her (she had a pretty rough ride) she is agog with amazement - and sometimes only sometimes when I mention it to her she remembers - some very sad times.

I remember going to see Bambi with my mother - aged about 5 years. When my mother looked down on me I was roaring and crying and breaking my heart - no not at the sadness of Bambi - but my new hearing aid was driving me mad and I didn't understand why it was so noisy - you know with the music etc.
Remember! Yes, I remember my Father selling my Dog Twice, that's one of a bad few.
I remember sitting on the steps outside he French windows, with my granny while we shelled the peas.
I remember my third birthday.My uncle who was in the RAF turned up on a surprise visit,he had two oranges which were still quite a rarity and my mum peeled them split the segments into three piles one each for my two sisters and me with me getting the extra odd segment because it was my birthday.Mind you to be honest I'm not really sure I remember it or just heard the story from my sisters that many times usually with the rider "you were always mums favourite"

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