Travel11 mins ago
Fed Up!!
10 Answers
Polly cries from 11pm to now, when i have brought her down and she has nodded off on sofa, this is third day she hasn't slept properly, and kept us awake at silly hours. Her teeth have come through, so i don't see what the problem is.
Mum is still in hospital. I am tired.
I am skint, trying to make money, thinking up stupid ideas, that won't work, hate being skint, and hubby doesn't help at all. Wish i was working again, but rather be skint than leave Polly with strangers, bad experience with my second child. Once all the bills and direct debits have been paid, i have nothing left to spend. Sorry for the rant, again :)
Mum is still in hospital. I am tired.
I am skint, trying to make money, thinking up stupid ideas, that won't work, hate being skint, and hubby doesn't help at all. Wish i was working again, but rather be skint than leave Polly with strangers, bad experience with my second child. Once all the bills and direct debits have been paid, i have nothing left to spend. Sorry for the rant, again :)
With a new born baby you're one of the richest people on the planet. It may not seem like it at times but it won't be forever.
22:29 Wed 12th Nov 2014
you need to read her a story http:// www.ama uk/Go-F -Sleep- Adam-Ma nsbach/ dp/0857 862650
Zacs, i do feel rich with this little Polly, shes amazing. We lie on sofa for a cuddle and once she settles i put her in cot. I think she likes to be in with me, because that's what we did, until recently. She was fine in cot initially, but i think she has clicked on that that is her new bed, and she doesn't like it. She doesn't like it in the bedroom. she will go out like a light in lounge. I feel better today, had some sleep. Don't get me wrong, this is my miracle baby, and i love her dearly, and will never be impatient with her, she loves her mamaroo swing and seems to settle in there aswell. She is so clever, and has a funny personality, her siblings love her, and she same with them. Shes a blessing to us all.
Not disabled at all lol
well, i shouldn't have spoken too soon, because he has done really well with Polly these few days, she seems to settle with him better. She has a chest infection, poor mite, wasn't feeling good. I get some sleep, cos he rocks her and she nods off in his arms, and she has been saying dada...i am a bit jealous shes not said mama, or settles with me.
well, i shouldn't have spoken too soon, because he has done really well with Polly these few days, she seems to settle with him better. She has a chest infection, poor mite, wasn't feeling good. I get some sleep, cos he rocks her and she nods off in his arms, and she has been saying dada...i am a bit jealous shes not said mama, or settles with me.