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Turkish Barbers

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mikey4444 | 18:44 Thu 27th Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
All being well, I will be making my first trip to what are generally known as
Turkish Barbers tomorrow morning. I have heard good reports of the quality
of the haircuts and the shaves using cut-throat razors ( gulp ! )

Apparently you get the complete towels, etc. My only worry, apart from the cut-throat razor ( gulp again ! ) is will they be open on a Friday morning ? Their Sabbath and all that.

If still alive, I will report back tomorrow !


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Do they do kebabs............
Depends what's left over from the pies, Cory...x
gness, your confusing massage with torture ;-)
Thought it might be from the residue of close shaves.
No....for torture I include the shopping trolley.....☻
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I'm beginning to have second thoughts now !
It's been nice knowing you
Hope we haven't put you off Mikey.
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Not at all corylus...I always take 10 Valium at this time of night.
Looking forward to your new avatar tomorrow, stitches, plasters and all.
mikey, hope you don't get this guy shaving you !.

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