i have a friend who is doing up her house. She needed joiner so i had a word with a joiner friend and he agreed to do the work. My friend asked how much he charged per hour and she was happy with the amount.
She now wants some tiling doing. Mr O is a whizz at tiling and said he would do it if the price was right. i mentioned it to my friend yesterday and told her he would do it for suitable remuneration. She said she would make sure he was given suitable remuneration.
I've found out she has told another friend that Mr O is going to do her tiling for a free lunch and unlimited cuppas! *** cheek!
How do I sort this out?
I've never really had any problem with muggers whilst being blotto. Most probably because there wasn't anything worth stealing :) I carry a rucksack around with me everywhere now and in it are restraint hand cuffs, I'm prepared. Being a man with broad shoulders I'm not usually a muggers first choice.
Just get Mr O to go and give her a price for the job. Always better for both parties to work on price work, as both know what they are doing and getting, so no need for any extras Mrs O
My suggestion is similar to TonyV's. Ask your friend when it would be convenient for your hubby to come round to measure up and give her an estimate for the tiling.