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Annual Moan

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rabet | 14:54 Fri 12th Dec 2014 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Afternoon all. It's time once again for my seasonal lament at the speed with which Christmas comes round again, seemingly faster as the years go by. Soon when I take the decorations back to the attic I expect to meet myself coming down with them! Anyone else noticed this?


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yep,i feel the same,is it worthwhile just leaving the blqqdy things up,saves you trotting up and down to the attic ?
At the moment I am endeavouring to avoid atticing. Nevertheless , I am guessing that my dear wife will persuade her old man ( 82yr old) to get down the loft ladder and locate the fake Christmas trees and boxes of decorations.

However, it has been positively established that this year I shall be excused from cooking a family Christmas Lunch and providing a cold Buffet on Boxing day.

Looking forward to the New Year........Hans.
Yep it definitely comes round too quick...before I've even paid off last years debts ;-(
Yes I reckon the government cuts are reducing the number of days in the year.
This year my 3 year old granddaughter is going to 'help' so this time I dont mind.
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I have two children and three grandchildren but this Christmas I shall not be seeing any of them.
Oh yes, I notice how quickly the year flies by and always think to myself when putting the tree away, 'soon be getting you back out again'!

Dare I ask why you won't be seeing your family rabet ?
I agree, it seems to come round on a yearly basis, on the same date too- how inconsiderate!
The older you get, the faster time goes by. There must be a mathematical equation that can explain it.
There is, I read about it once, but I can't remember it !

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Annual Moan

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