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The Sydney Deaths.

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TWR | 16:16 Tue 16th Dec 2014 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
Our thought's go out to the families that was taken away by the scum of the earth. RIP


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Vulcan42, you're missing my point which is quite simply that you can experience sadness without proclaiming to the rest of the world that are doing so.
That's true, but we share happiness with strangers, why not sadness?
"but we share happiness with strangers"

We do?
oh yes ! I frequently plaster strangers with kisses and er get arrested
Yes B00, almost every day on this site somebody is sharing their happiness with strangers over acquiring a kitten, puppy, new boyfriend, getting rid of an old husband etc.:o) ..{< happy}
Agree on the RIP in this case......tragic and two very brave folk. Hope that Tony Abbott honours them with bravery awards, though this won't bring them back to their families and loved ones.
I agree, my thoughts are with them. May the victims rest in peace.
I'm with Stuey on this.

I intensely dislike threads that use collective terms and consequently sweep us all up to offer our condolences, birthday greetings, etc.

I have my own voice and really do not want anyone to speak on my behalf.

Perhaps TWR's 'our' was referring to himself and wife/family,not you or I?

And I cannot equate my reply of RIP with leaving flowers at a roadside or similar,something I have never done and never will.

agree mamy..whilst I can feel sadness..hysteric public displays are not my thing either !
i haven't read anything about the deaths - what did they do?
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This can happen any place, any time, any where in the world, no matter where it happens I feel for the persons involved, but not for the Scum that has deprived 3 Children of their Mother, The Manager that had the guts to tackle this evil piece sh==t, my same thoughts I sent to Japan, Thailand, Twin Towers, Madrid, London, everyone has a choice to say how they feel, this is the way I feel. RIP.
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Beds, the café Users In Sydney that was Murdered by scum.
Can't for the life of me see what "good Christian" has to do with this.
no, i know that but i hadn't read the details of how they died dtc mentioned brave and i wondered what had happened?
I don't like hysterical public displays either but I see no harm in offering sympathy on something as tragic as this. It's loke contributing to an online condolence book, it's there if you want to use it.
call it whatever you want but my tears were real and from the heart when i heard today that the woman Katrina Dawson who was killed by gunshot 'flung' herself onto her pregnant friend to protect her

Anna x
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I agree with Stuey on may things,but not this point he makes....

//It's akin to dumping loads of flowers and stuffed toys at certain locations.//

Saying you are saddened or moved or shocked and adding RIP is most definitely not the same as the mawkish example he gives.

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