Quizzes & Puzzles2 mins ago
Does She Need To Go Through Probate
My sisters husband passed away around a month ago. She wants to sell her small house which was In joint names. They also had a mirror will. Will she need to go through probate? They had much less than £325000
If the house is in joint names and held in such a way that it will pass to her automaticall y, or if it was left to her in the Will, AND he had no sole name savings where the bank will ask for a Grant of Probate, then she probably doesn't need it. Whoever she contacts to do anything will tell her if she needs a Grant - e.g. the Solicitors in her sale, the bank when she goes to...
14:12 Mon 22nd Dec 2014
If the house is in joint names and held in such a way that it will pass to her automatically, or if it was left to her in the Will, AND he had no sole name savings where the bank will ask for a Grant of Probate, then she probably doesn't need it. Whoever she contacts to do anything will tell her if she needs a Grant - e.g. the Solicitors in her sale, the bank when she goes to change his accounts, or any share registrars, etc.....
yes - if she wants to sell.
start here https:/ /www.go v.uk/wi lls-pro bate-in heritan ce/over view
you can do this yourself
there are small estate rules but that covers estates smaller than £10k
There is lots on probate in these threads - ewsp from Buenochico who idid it for a living and it is not a big deal
start here https:/
you can do this yourself
there are small estate rules but that covers estates smaller than £10k
There is lots on probate in these threads - ewsp from Buenochico who idid it for a living and it is not a big deal
well here
http:// www.pro batefor ms.info /jointl y-owned -proper ty-and- inherit ance-ta x/
it just says go and do it - but I still have my doubts.
it just says go and do it - but I still have my doubts.
No probate is needed if everything is in joint names or the estate in sole name is small, but there is an obligation to inform the DWP and each department has to be advised separately for pensions and benefits, occupational or private pension providers also need advising along with all financial institutions involved. When I sorted out my Stepfathers affairs for my Mum she subsequently received a letter from the Tax office saying they had closed his file without me contacting them.