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electricblue | 00:09 Tue 18th Apr 2006 | Body & Soul
17 Answers
Whats a sure fire way to get rid of hiccups???


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Spoon of sugar works for me!
my chemistry teacher used to make us stand at the front of the class and said he would give us 50p (which was a fortune then!) if we could hiccup 10 times in the following minute. Never could and made hiccups go so get someone to blackmail you or say you are going to have ...... if you hiccup in the next minute 10 times or more (make it something you really really want!) good luck, let me know if it works
try sipping water very slowly
A glass of water from the wrong side of the glass (that is, opposite to the normal side) always works for me. It actually helps your breathing get back to normal.
I use Postdogs way, it works for me.
Many years ago, when I was a youngster, I remember the 'Today' programme, on Radio 4 (or the Home Service, as it probably was then) reporting on a scientific study of all of the various methods which supposedly cured hiccoughs. I felt really pleased that the report concluded that my Mum had got it right. The only method which worked in 100% of cases (including curing some people who'd been hiccoughing for months, or even years) was, as Froggy_Queen suggests, a spoonful of sugar!

i found the sure way to get rid of hiccups one evening down the pub, at first i thought it might be a wind up but it worked then and now every time, you have to drink all or as much as you can of a pint of water in one while someone puts there fingers in your ears, its worked everytime for me and everyone else ive told.
hold ya breath and swallow 3 times.

Hiccups are your diaphragm having spasms, And your diaphragm is one of the main muscles that make your lungs breath in and out...

You need to take a deeeeeeeep breath, hold it.... hold hold hold as long as you can... then slooooooooooowwwwwwwwwlllly .... slow!!.... controled slow... let it out... then breath normal and slow... dont jump into breathing heavy because it will feel like you would want to take a few heavy breaths after holding your breath like that.. but dont...

Water and all of that doesnt really really work.. the only reason why it might is because while you are slamming a hole glass of water your holding your breath...

Heres a few hundred sure fire ways........

Put hiccups in the search box

A couple of sips of vinegar.
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Vinegar??Eeeuuurrrgghhh!!!Theres some really good 'uns here,thanx,will try them all,next time!!!

whenever i get hiccups, i gulp any liquid like beer, water etc 7 times and it works for me and my kids

hope it works for you

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I'm gonna try that toooooo!!!!!

I always find a shot of vinegar does the trick. Granted, it don't taste too good, and I won't pretend to know the science behind it, but since a friend told me this I have tried it every time and got rid of the dreaded hiccups INSTANTLY. I think its a 'shock to the system' thing and yoour diaphragm relaxes after taking a hit of Sarsons! Not pleasant, but effective.

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Ok i'll give it a go,cheers!!

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