JJ everyone has people and pets they miss, it's sadly a fact of life. I don't know who doesn't believe you? I still grieve for a dog I lost 15 years ago.
As for presents may I suggest next year you ask people to donate to charity rather than buying something for you, I have noticed you often don't like presents and that would be a more worthwhile use of their money.
I believe you jj. My mum died eighteen months ago and I still miss her terribly - she was the only parent I really knew, my Dad left for the Western Desert in World War II when I was only five weeks old and two and a half years later was killed in Italy (no home leave during that time of course).
Mrs Canary died in 1989 - also still very much missed.
It does seem to be more difficult at Christmas time.
sorry Canary and for your wee mother - your right Xmas is a very very difficult time.
At the moment I haven't left the house from Sunday - maybe I'll try to get out tomorrow. Then I have a drink to bring the new year - and will do my DRYATHLON for cancer in January = I did it successsfully last year. And felt pretty good at that.