Have been suffering from a bout of sciatica , but got up this morning and the pain is down the front of my right leg, usually it's down the back. This pain is so much worse, is it sciatica or something else. I am trying to get a doctors appointment as the pain is unbearable, normally in can manage it, but not this time.
Indeed the typical sciatic ISO down the back of the leg,BUT depending upon which sacro- lumbar nerves are involved, nerve pain from the lumbo- sacral region can affect the FRONT of the leg.
My pain killer of choice would be Ibuprofen unti you see you GPS.
When I was affected some years ago, the only thing that kept me going was diclofenac at maximum dose. I took this for months until I had surgery...you have my sympathy!
Thank you for your replies, managed to see my doctor, he said it's not sciatica, cos it's down the front of my legs, it's the nerves a notch or two higher from where sciatica flares up, can't remember what he called it. Been given Neurontin and ibruprofen.