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Following On From Trt's Glasses Query

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Tilly2 | 21:58 Mon 05th Jan 2015 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
How do you ensure that your glasses are comfortable to wear? I have reading glasses and when I tried them on in the shop they were fine but I find that I am having to take them off every five minutes because they really irritate my nose/face/ears. I hate them!


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then they ain't right.....

Mine stay on me to the point I forget that they are there and I have to look for the LD ones. Bifocals, I have never fancied...
Sounds as if they don't fit properly, tilly. Take them back. I wear my varifocals all the time and don't even notice they are there.
Are the just off the shelf shop glasses or are they from the optician?
The former: try a different brand, or give the idea up and go to an optician.
The latter: they'll fit them for you if you tell them the problem.
It didn't cross my mind that you might not have been to an optician - they would indeed ensure a good fit.
Go back, the optician will adjust them free of charge
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They are from Specsavers. I find them really uncomfortable. I will go back and explain the problem. I am always fiddling with them and pushing them up my nose. They also look lop sided when I have them on....grrrrr!
I've worn glasses for fifty years or more and I've never had a pair that's not had to go back for adjustment at least twice.
Suffer not, they are really obliging and helpful. Never had a problem that was not fixed.
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Righto, Specsavers tomorrow! Thank you all.
SEE you there, tilly!
I guess I have just been lucky with my glasses so far as none of them have been uncomfortable. Get contacts.
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Should have gone to Specsavers.....yesterday.
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Can you get contacts for just reading?
Not all of us can get on with contacts, randy - I can't - and I wouldn't want to wear contacts if I only needed specs for reading.

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