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New Glasses When On Pension Credit....

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trt | 19:47 Mon 05th Jan 2015 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I know the eye test is free, but how much discount do you get once you have selected the frames etc?


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There are a selection of free frames , and it is quite a good selection now. Otherwise you get £35 off a higher price frame.
The free frames are different at each optician , not like the old days when they were 'NHS frames'
EDDIE...that's not really the answer to the question that was asked. The value of the "optical voucher" depends on the strength of the glasses I've already said.
The lenses are free and as said the cost depends on the prescription.
We are talking about the frames to put the lenses in.
Standard Lenses are always free if you are on pension credit.
You only pay towards the lenses if you want 'non standard' lenses like the extra thin ones or tinted ones.
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Thanks for all the help.
I get 2 pairs of free glasses per year on pension credits, one for reading and one for watching tv/driving, I don't have to pay anything as I choose from the "free" frames.
And they have a really good selection of free frames.

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New Glasses When On Pension Credit....

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