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maggiebee | 18:15 Wed 07th Jan 2015 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Had a call from my niece who told me that she had just disposed of the baby bath I gave as a present when wee John was born because it had split. Wee John is now 35 so reckon that was real value for money.


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Was John still able to fit into the bath?
My sister gave me her son's bath when I was pregnant. I had bought it for her when she was pregnant. Sister's son is 33, used for both my sons aged 31 and 26 and I still use it as my washing basket!
I threw out a duvet yesterday that's been on my bed (either on top to keep me warm or underneath the bottom sheet to provide extra padding) almost every day since I bought it. It was a super-lightweight one that never had a cover on it and just got washed as if it was a sheet. It was getting a bit tatty, with some of the stuffing coming out of it but I'd probably have still kept it for a few years longer if the cat hadn't thrown up on it.

However I reckon that I probably got reasonable value out of it as I bought it in 1975 ;-)

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