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Now This Is Interesting And Maybe Something That We Can Agree On.....well Some Of Us?

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woofgang | 12:17 Thu 08th Jan 2015 | Religion & Spirituality
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A good read.
Muslims kill 12 for publishing cartoons of their psychopathic, paedophile leader.
If this is meant to be a reply, why does it take the *** out of Christians(mainly) Jews, Mormons, practically anyone except the Religion of Peace?
If it's not meant to be a reply to events in Paris but is just a coincidental posting I suppose it's mildly amusing in a somewhat juvenile fashion. (and the drawings are crepe)
Did you miss the 'no drawing' and subsequent bits? Some of the jabs are easy to challenge such as self benefit isn't necessarily the best way to decide one's government representative, but it's thought provoking, and debate stimulating. Unsure it's meant as a direct response to the recent fanatics' shaming of the prophet though. Just one of the regular digs.
I did see the non-drawing at No.23. Something of a 'cop-out' imo. Still, as you say, it might stimulate debate.
As a general polemic against religion it might be alright but it's not exactly a tribute to the cartoonists who were murdered, imo.
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No it wasn't intended as a reaction to Paris, just a general conversation starter.

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