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Samuraisan | 13:36 Sun 11th Jan 2015 | Internet
4 Answers
I have been watching the Marco Polo series on YouTube, as we don't get Netflix here yet, but lately there is a black screen over the picture and makes it very dark. Does anyone now why and how do I remove it ?


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Which episode were you watching? If you copy the address from the top of the page, come back to this thread and paste in into the box where it says

Enter YouTube Link Here...

give us an approximate time when you first notice it and someone should be able to help. Or, just tell us the episode and the time and someone will be able to post the link on your behalf.
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Here it is Media URL:
I see what you mean, although I don't know what to do about it.

It could be that the "Black screen" should only be a little box in the top right hand corner, with a little x on it that you can click, to remove it. You might be able to click on the uploader's name and contact them and make them aware of the problem. someone else might know a LOT more about it than I do. Just keep your fingers crossed...
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Thanks Stephan, I watched it anyway, I hope episode 8 is better ! Great serie btw

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