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Bad Weather On Its Way

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Georgiesmum | 08:55 Tue 13th Jan 2015 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Batten down the hatches folks, theres some pretty grim weather on its way to most of the country in the next couple of days.


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Yes, I saw the weather forecast this morning. Oh dear... take care , stay indoors and stay safe. xx
Hi, group of...Ladies who lunch.....and celebrating another 65th this week.....

You've seen nothing til you've seen a group of sixty somethings in killer heels skittling around an icy pub car park.....☺
Bring it on!
SlackAlice Bad weather is great when you're snuggled indoors, fire on with nothing else to do - you obviously don't have to try and get to work in it, or work in it for that matter !
Already hit Dundee. Been snowing for 6 hours and city seems to be gridlocked. Have had to cancel shifts at Samaritans as volunteers can't get in - roads out-of-town blocked and public transport at a standstill. Things can only get better!!
Torrential rain and hailstones the size of marrow fat peas with a generous dose of thunder :-(
Yes, I'm retired now, so it's all good.

Was a bus driver for 33yrs so I quite used to driving in unacceptable conditions. Only been ordered to return to garage twice in all that time for dangerous driving conditions. I have had to walk to work and walk home again in atrocious conditions, so I've been there and bought the T shirt etc.

Now it's your turn ☺☺☺

Bring it on!
Snowing here. Greater Mancheser/Pennines.

Forecast looks dreadful, but at the moment (N/Kent Coast) Brill. sunshine,
Dogs snoring away on Balcony, Bi-folds open at one end, windows on vent the other end, but suspect it won't last much longer, nice to air the place off a bit though.
Just stopped snowing here in Mid Wales, more to come I think.
It's real survival weather on the Sussex Coast .. I had to get up and close the blinds ... the sun is beaming down !
Was lovely and sunny but chilly here in Romford ealier, but now a b it overcast! Not too bad ay.
Ha Ha good on yer slackalice! I've got to drive home over a Fell so hopefully the snow will stay away until I shut up shop and get home -and if it settles I'm not going to open tomorrow.
The sun's shining in Warrington - where's all the snow?? I want some !!!
Chaptazbru, you can have some of ours if you want. About 3" fallen in the past couple of hours. Staying put today.
Here in Sussex, we had heavy rain first thing then hailstones a couple of hours ago, now we have blue skies and sunshine ! Gale force winds due tonight.
Where are you maggie ? I love snow, but hate it when it turns to ice !!
No bad weather here in sunny Seaham, its a lovely day , if a tad on the cold side, I dont think we are going to get any snow, we have been lucky with the weather in this srea.
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Wehave had lovely sunshine here today in sunny Clacton, so fingers crossed it will stay that way.Its been a very mild winter so far, too good to be true really.

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