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TWR | 09:42 Tue 13th Jan 2015 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
With the hatred directed at the West by "some" of the Muslim Religion, who was cause of this?


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The crusaders, back in the olden days. Richard the Lionheart and so on.
Those who have a warped understanding of the religion they profess to represent and have risen to a level of respect by some of their equally warped followers. They would still have a hatred of anyone not believing what they do and who had past generations who achieved more for their descendents/nations than theirs managed.
Well... going back and blaming 50 / 100 years ago activities I can understand, but to go back to medieval times ?! But yes, medieval thinking in the present day, may be a contributing factor.
They enjoy fighting. When they're not fighting us they're fighting someone else or each other.
//Well... going back and blaming 50 / 100 years ago activities I can understand, but to go back to medieval times ?! But yes, medieval thinking in the present day, may be a contributing factor. //

if continually mentioning a wrong perpetrated 500-odd years ago is good enough for sinn fein, then surely it's good enough for islam too?
It may be thought a good excuse by both groups you mention, but not to reasonable folk.
The first silly *** who dreamed up the notion of an all powerful supernatural being.
Wouldn't be a bad idea if they just concentrated on fighting each other mushroom.

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