Ever since I bought a second-hand car over two years ago I have been unable to clean the inside of the windscreen properly. In the summer it is not such a problem but during the wet and cold months I have a constant battle keeping it clear for viewing.
There is a large patch immediately in my vision which, when wet, an area of writing appears which seems to be the remnant of a "for sale" sign that must have been on the car at the dealers which gives details of the car. I have been told that in hot weather the plastic notice can form a "stain" on the windscreen which is hard to remove. This ties in well in the fact it was August when I purchased the car. I have tried all manner of solutions including meths, patent glass cleaners and good old elbow grease without any appreciable effect. When the windscreen is completely dry it is not a problem and the "ghost writing" disappears but when wet or simply steamed up it does cause a problem. Can anyone suggest a method or some special solvent that will clear this residue pleae.