Islam in The AnswerBank: Society & Culture
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Oleanda | 12:23 Fri 09th Jan 2015 | Society & Culture
14 Answers
What is the difference between a Muslim and an Islamist?
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tambo ...lol... :-)
Some people say that an Islamist is a radical Muslim.
Tambo is right. Spelling.
An Islamist is someone who follows Islam very strictly, not all muslims do, so that's the difference
Day all looks alike to me :o/
Despite common belief there really are no half measures. Muslims believe the Koran to be the irrefutable world of Allah and that Mohammed, a man allegedly beyond reproach, is to be emulated. If people who call themselves Muslim don’t believe that they are not Muslim. Muslims, or Islamists, used to be called ‘Mohammedans’ – followers of Mohammed. An Islamist is simply a follower of Islam – although that word has, in recent years, been associated, erroneously, with people who are willing to follow the more unsavoury advice of Mohammed and the Koran to the letter.
aka Mohammadans
Should have read the posts.
Despite the placid Muslims far outnumbering the extremists, Muslims, every Muslim must accept part of the blame for the extremists of their faith.

By accepting Koran as the word of a god and Mohammed as their representative they legitimise the violence modeled in the book.

Exactly as every Jew and every Christian, no matter how far they try to distance themselves. The bottom line is these holy books are all manifestos of violence and cruelty and most of all, intolerance.

Humanity must move on from this stone age glorification of violence in the name of god-given "truth" manifested as a monotheistic faith if we are ever to find a way to get along with each other.
I've always taken it that a Muslim describes their religion where an Islamist describes their politics.
"Despite the placid Muslims far outnumbering the extremists, Muslims, every Muslim must accept part of the blame for the extremists of their faith. "

What a ridiculous statement!

I'm a Christian, and don't/won't accept any blame for any atrocities extremists may have (or may do) for the faith.
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