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Night Night Song From Mamya♥

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Mamyalynne | 00:02 Tue 20th Jan 2015 | ChatterBank
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The beginning of that Javells record reminds me of this. x
evening all. Tony, that Javells track drove me mad till I found this.....which came 1st, I wonder? ;)
x x
Eeeeek!!! Barsel!!! How weird!! :D x x
Mmmmm, very similar.
1974 the Javells and 1975 Maxine Nightingale. Maxine Nightingale sampled it !.
We obviously have the same great minds Bathsheba x
Ah, I see, thanks Tony. I prefer the M Nightingale one, tbh x
Barsel,...we certainly do....+ don't forget my incredible techy's your moby doing?, lol... x
No probs and if anyone tells me their moby isn't working properly I pass on your expert advice. Works every time. xx
Glad to hear it Barsel! BA in Tech, eh? still chuffed to bits ;)
Last one from me, g'night all, sleep well x x
Night night Bathsheba, I'll be off to bed myself in a few minutes. xx

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Night Night Song From Mamya♥

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