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Creme Egg

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Gavmacp | 23:49 Mon 19th Jan 2015 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
I have always loved them and always look forward to when they are on sale.
I had my first and unfortunately last one.
I had heard they had changed the recipe but did not expect to notice the difference but I definitely can. The chocolate is not the same and I am left with a strange taste in my mouth.
Why??? If you are going to take something and change it make it better not worse!


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I'm surprised that the sweetness of the gloop inside doesn't mask the taste of the chocolate anyway. It's just Kraft's way of cutting corners and saving money. They'll have us all eating compound chocolate made with vegetable fat instaead of cocoa butter llike the Americans soon.
I stopped buying Cadburys when they were taken over by Kraft and started to make inferior choc. Their business was moved abroad, cheaper labour, cheaper ingredients. Don't buy their rubbish, please.
I don't buy anything from any Kraft company for the way they lied. They said they would not close any factories or change anything. Two weeks later they did just that. So I won't buy anything from any of their companies now.
They also now own Green and Black
Damn! One of my favourites! Oh well. I'll try and find a viable alternative.
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I contacted cadbury's to complain they sent the standard company response saying that they continue to use the delicious cadbury's chocolate. It does rather annoy me when someone implies, when they have changed the recipe, that it is me and not them.
I din't know any of this, so no more for me. What about the Galaxy creme egg? x
Do Galaxy make a creme egg?
Who makes Sainsburys chocolate?
Not understanding that response. If they admit to having changed the recipe then how can they claim to continue to use the "delicious" Cadbury's chocolate ? Unless they are implying that it is only the filling that's been changed.

I find them a little sickly sweet, that filling is a little extreme. I don't refuse them if given but don't tend to buy.
Hi Tony.

(Wave to the Holte End)
Hiya Hopkirk waves to the brummy road end.
I promised to wave as we climbed past you
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I get rather annoyed when someone tells me I cannot taste the difference.
I had this with a work colleague who made me a cup of coffee. I did not see what milk she used, when I tasted it I asked if it was UHT she said yes, I told her I didn't like UHT. She the told me I was talking rubbish and I couldn't tell the difference when I clearly could.
Why is everyone blaming Kraft? The people who have changed the chocolate is the new owner....Mondelez.
Mondelez is just a new name for Kraft Foods
I still buy and eat Cadburys.
This thread may now be dead but in response to Ric.ror yes Galaxy do eggs that are filled with caramel and I do prefer them to Cadbury's creme egg.

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