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Scroll down to the red car.
cant see anything
Your red car seems to have driven off that page, Melv!
If you scroll down to just below the photo of a footballer there are some bullet-points. 3rd or 4th is about a car crashing into a house (slid on uncleared hill).
That is really dreadful, wolf.
It is jourdain - and it is happening every day.

I confess that my girl cat sitting on the back of my seat saying "eek" into my ear over and over again forced me to snarl at her and she is now glaring at me from her cardboard box.
Mine has just looked at the screen, wolf, looked at me and turned her back to sit and sulk near the warmth of the computer. It is bowl-washing time, which shortly precedes bow-filling time, so I have to go now.......

Anyone know what this is about?
It started about a car sliding, Baldric, but wolf and I seem to have got on to our cats!

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Do you know the answer?

A New Parking Bay:)

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