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stuey | 03:01 Fri 23rd Jan 2015 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Four am over there? I'll give you a farthing to knock me up at six.


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Ooops! I was out an hour; therefore. I'll give you a groat.
Only just after three here and I will be sawing wood soon hopefully...
Plus, i think you should rephrase your! Night, night!
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Cupid04 when you saw wood do you use a cross-cut or a fret saw. Anyway, you must have heard of the old gas lamp-lighters who would tap on your window with their long poles and wake you up for a price.
I try not to fret...have enough trouble sleeping. My hot water bottle is ready.Good night Stuey. Hope you wake up in time for whatever you have planned.x
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And that was when they were extinguishing the lamps in the morning.
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Good night, God bless, as people used to say.
God bless you too.
It's 3.24 but the price of the knocker up has risen. Keep your farthings and your groats. I won't stir for less than a guinea.
STUEY !!!.... you have just under an hour then I'll shout even louder at you!

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