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Times Jumbo Cryptic 1131

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Mrsspagnoli57 | 10:08 Sun 25th Jan 2015 | Crosswords
3 Answers
Not doing particularly well with this one (doing rubbish actually) can someone help with (possible) parsing for 5d One Carry on type in funny cinema's dropping em it makes characters unnaturally moving ? (13) ANIMATRONICS ?

Also, 33d Practise to play a blinder (ironically)? 3,4,3,2 is this GET ONES EYE IN ?



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matron in anag of cinemas.
Matron (from Carry om Nurse/Docter etc) iin anagram of CIN(em)A'S
Cin (em) a is + matron

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Times Jumbo Cryptic 1131

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