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TWR | 18:27 Sat 24th Jan 2015 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
I can see a light


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Looks like bullet for his shooter cupid.
Too many Shandys.
Over at the frankenstein place
^ LOL ...brilliant. (pardon the pun)
is that an oncoming train? The 19:17 to Adlestrop is due through soon.
If he's gone down to the pub, he's better not be ensconced in my bleedin' place, or else he'll be seein' some lights!
Fusion, tut tut, brandy!
Walk towards it...
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Good Morning, sorry about that I got interested in film which is not like me, I prefer to be doing constructive things, anyway the reason I ask this question, many years ago my friends Mother Passed as she was in Hospital, there had ( as you get in families a fall out) all the family was around her bed & from what my fried said she kept looking at the door and saying, " I'm not ready yet, the family kept asking her why she kept saying this, to her reply they were waiting for her, then she said her goodbyes & said I'm ready now, with that she passed. every time I talk about this it put's a tear in this old soft @rse's eyes.
Blimey, that was a long film, TW. ;)
It seemed an unusually brief OP for such a poignant explanation.
Not such an unusual event though. Have heard of it a few times before.
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Helped with 3 Barrels Svejk lol
That bullet .22?

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