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Cape Horn

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Lillibet123 | 09:32 Sun 25th Jan 2015 | Travel
5 Answers
Has anyone done the cruise round Cape Horn?


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We did it nearly 3 years ago...Buenos Aries - Valaparaiso. Though it was the start of March (end of their summer), it was hot in BA, but by the time we got to Cape Horn it was down to about 9C. It was a beautiful sunny day and almost a flat calm. The captain even stopped the ship so the front half was in the Pacific and the back half in the Atlantic! Any questions, ask...
11:35 Sun 25th Jan 2015
Many, many people have made that trip.
Chay Blyth, in 1971.
Ferdinand Magellan, 15 something.
We did it nearly 3 years ago...Buenos Aries - Valaparaiso. Though it was the start of March (end of their summer), it was hot in BA, but by the time we got to Cape Horn it was down to about 9C. It was a beautiful sunny day and almost a flat calm. The captain even stopped the ship so the front half was in the Pacific and the back half in the Atlantic! Any questions, ask away.
We did that cruise a few years ago in February. As sddsddean says the weather was scorching in BA but the further south we went it got very stormy. We couldn't get in to the Falklands which was a big disappointment and had to go through the straits rather than round the Horn due to high waves. Apart from that it was a very enjoyable journey.

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