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Jordyboy9 | 14:41 Sun 25th Jan 2015 | Politics
19 Answers
I was listening to Nigel Farage on the Andrew Marr show and I was impressed by the fact here is a politician who answered a direct question,he didnt refuse to answer or make excuses very impressive well done Nigel credit where its due.


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Really! Credit for that guy!?
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But was he being honest ? I think I prefer evasion to dishonest pledges.
being dishonest is part of the job description for politics.
Q: how can you tell when a politician is lying?
A: his/her mouth is moving.
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Hitler was honest about his desire to kill Jews and rule the world. Didn't make him right though.
What do you mean Postdog?.
It's very easy to appear honest and spout about how ukip are going to do this and that and the other when they have no track record to be criticised on. They have an arsenal of previous governments failures to make them look good and criticise. It's a world apart from actually doing anything, or in fact coming up with any meaningful policies with any substance.
Well. there's only one way to find out. Let's make him PM come May.
Reckless Slackbladder, wreck less.
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Until you've tried it, don't knock it (as my gay friends used to say).
And did you?
No, I lacked the cojones.
Despite the apparent weaknesses of Lab/Con, UKIP will not trouble the scoring....
But did he lie? Politicians seem to practise.
What you need to remember is that Nigel is a "character", and people prefer "characters" over dull party hacks.
He does connect Blackadder with many but the slick style disguises lack of policy as Zacs suggests.
Who cares? I might not vote UKIP for policy reasons but I would certainly vote for Nigel as my MP.

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