Sunday Times 4627 in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Sunday Times 4627

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twerp | 16:54 Tue 03rd Feb 2015 | Crosswords
15 Answers
Can anyone assist please, 12D Person who's bashed our ears? (7) A-O-S-R
Many thanks
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Seen as arouser?
Anagram of 'our ears' Arouser
Can anyone see a definition clearly, other than just the anagram?

^^^ Mamyalynne. No I can't other than 'bashed' being the anagram indicator.
I read the clue as "might be an example of (implied by the question mark) an ear-basher".
Thought so - poor then isn't it?

I did wonder if he'd used bashed twice - a person who attends a bash - a rouser?

But even that is bad show
Ta Ve - worth a thought.
Is Dean Mayer the setter?
Tim Moorey
The setter is Tim Moorey.
Oh! TM's usually pretty accurate in his clues, even if he is obsessed with cricket and excretion. D Mayer is often vague, in my opinion.
This is really more of a Mephisto clue than an ST Crossword clue - it's an 'offshoot &lit' or a partial all-in-one clue. The whole clue is the definition (the '?' suggesting that it may not be a precise definition - and this one most definitely isn't!) while the word play is just the last three words, 'our ears' being the anagram fodder and 'bashed' a deverbal adjective acting as the anagram indicator.

The example of this type of clue quoted by Ximenes in 'Ximenes on the Art of the Crossword' is 'What a bishop may have had before getting a crook' for PREBEND, where the last four words form the word play whilst the whole clue provides the definition.

Incidentally, I don't think it's fair to Mr Moorey to say that he is obsessed by cricket and excretion - it's actually classical music, cricket and excretion (though not necessarily in that order...)

Thanks, Mr. Moorey. (?)
Interesting,thank you

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