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marval | 19:20 Fri 06th Feb 2015 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Fancy taking your life in your hands?

A friend sent this to me, I wouldn't want to be a pedestrian or a driver here.


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Wot he said ^^^^^!
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I'm out of here!
Bo Limey!!!!!!!
Yikes.....this is somewhere my daughter visits with work and is off there again soon.....
I suppose.....Mind the road now, love.....seems a bit silly after watching that..... :-(
Feels just like Dublin, Gness!
Psyb....some of my..learning to drive...was done in Dublin....taught by a bodyguard and driver to the then Taoiseach.....maybe it was my youth....but it seemed nothing compared to this.....don't think this is a road I'd even attempt to cross!!!
But...if you should ever need to escape an assassination attempt....I'm your woman.....♣
Closer to home:
I slowed it down to a quarter speed and it looks much more realistic - still mad and scary, though
All it needs , in Addis Abeba, is a tiny circle drawn in the middle. That might work
Tilly....did you not spot that little man with his bucket of paint and a brush... dodging in and out?....☺
I'll have another look, gness......
Paris video is filmed at L'Etoile in Paris

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