My daughter is 5 and a half, she has just learnt to ride a bike without stabilisers and is getting a bit big for her bike, it has 14" wheels, should i try a bigger wheeled bike?
take her along to the shop and get her to try differant ones thats the way i always found best, or if its a suprise find a friend with a simular sized child, or one thats in the shop when your looking.
Thanks, thats sounds like a good idea...her current bike has small wheels and is really quite a heavy bike, no its not a surprise so i guess i can take her in to try them. I just didt know if there was an age appropriateness to wheel sizes?
em I was surprised how quickly the kids grew out of their bikes. It does certainly sound like she is ready for a new one - or try the fab ebay - we got ours' in near-perfect nick for under �10 each time.
I think if she stands against a bike the saddle should touch her hips, by the way.