Is there any way to retrieve a deleted file? I have read that it is possible, but just wondered if it really is. I am running Windows XP Home and used the Recycle Bin to 'permanently' delete the files.
usually delete just rips off the tag - jpg. - pdf - doc and leaves the majority part of the file floating there at the back of your computer
and so by matching a phrase - 'the bomb is left at Euston' springs to mind you can recover the accompanying text ( hey didnt they do this in the Imitation Game ?) and restore it
and that is how our guardians find offending emails.....
but how does the man in the street do it ?
I think you have to buy a programme that does this
but others may know
how do you delete delete - you down load a free prog which overprints a random number over the whole of the file as well as deleting the tag.
( and yes I have one ) look under eraser/erazer