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Be gentle....

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ToraToraTora | 11:51 Sat 07th Feb 2015 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
OK I rarely visit CB but I thought this was worthy. Watching England last night in the club I go to and when the last try was scored I must have rocked back on the chair because the leg broke clean off and I was send sprawling backwards in a heap! PMSL, just thought you'd enjoy the thought of TTT on his ***!


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so at least the feeble Welsh forwards can claim one small victory...
You didn't listen to your teachers did you, TTT.......were you holding a pint?

Wayne..don't rock back like'll fall......Wayne....don't keep rocking back on your'll hurt yourself....Wayne...stop

Too late....back went Wayne into the bookcase and down came a large pottery, flower and water filled vase onto Wayne's head.....
No, I didn't laugh......☺
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fortunately I had put my drink down!
Well worthy of a visit TTT. If we had known you were to pay a visit we could have got Baldric to roll out the red carpet and DTC could have baked you a cake.

Nonetheless let me offer you my sincere contrafibularities on the England win.

Don't be a stranger xx
How long did you get in the "sin bin" ?
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not long retro, they found another chair for me!
legless again ...
Loose prop huh? ;-)
Ha ha ha TTT. The ONLY time I ever remember my Nain (Welsh for Grandmother) smacking me was after telling me about 6 times to stop tipping back on the chair; I caught the chair back in the old Bakelite radio and brought it crashing down!
These days, I am convinced that contrafibularities involves kicks to the shin. :)

Fibular being 'of the shinbone'; contra: against; ities: goings on.

Well, it's a made up word. So, what the heck?

Surprised to hear TTT is no longer around on a regular basis. I had't noticed because I've been a bit cometary, myself.

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Be gentle....

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