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paulafrances | 16:49 Wed 04th Feb 2015 | Crosswords
18 Answers
another word for dud ending in b


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Two words do? damp squib
16:49 Wed 04th Feb 2015
Two words do? damp squib
Question Author
thanks, but wrong! its 5 letters - -u -b
Well, you didn't tell me how many letters.....
Just 'Squib' then......
It looks like just Squib....but I cannot get a definition of just squib as dud.
I'm wondering if paula has not given the exact clue.
"squib" does not mean "dud" unless preceded by "damp"; the whole point of a damp squib is that it doesn't work.
That's what I thought, fred.
I doubt the clue is "another word for dud"- I think she is just asking for a synonym to help her solve the clue
also contained in the definition of Squib

2. (Chemistry) a firework that does not explode because of a fault; dud
Looks like emeritus has it; I've never heard "squib" being used to mean "dud" without "damp" before it.
Nor me Fred
Question Author
thanks the answer was squib!
What was the exact clue please, paula?
Question Author
thank you to everyone who tried to help me x i finished the cross word!
Good, but what was the full clue?

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