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dna query

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rachelsdad | 21:59 Fri 21st Apr 2006 | Science
4 Answers

it has recently come to light in my family that my brother may actually be my half brother(same mother).my sister we know 100% to have the same father as me,so would it be better to submit all 3 of us for dna test,to get a clearer result ?

my father has died,if we both submitted our dna for test what is the likelihood of proving conclusively that we do not share the same father ? or does having the same mother make it more difficult to prove,even percentage wise ?



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Why are you asking us nerds on the internet ?

Go to a geneticist and ask him.

I think DNA tests are about �100 and frankly I can think of better things to do with �300

It will be easy to be 100% sure with a DNA test, but often how you feel about someone and your shared history is more important than how much DNA you share. Your GP should be able to tell you if you need to pay.
Belle Fast is absolutely right. If it was me I would leave well alone.

Hi! I suppose you've looked at your blood groups as these can be an indicator of being or not being related especially if you know your father's bloodgroup.

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