If you get the Power Of Protection Order Knitnat, get your self an accounts book, get a receipt for EVERYTHING & ANYTHING you spend on, even stamps / phone calls / as they all add up, believe me I'm still there, if you have a scanner duplicate your receipts & you keep the Original in the account book, If you are parking your car in the course of your duties & use a Pay & Display, keep the Receipts because when there is money involved that's when you see when the vermin coming out of their holes, I know, I have kept one at bay. If you need advise do not make do with "I THINK" ask your Solicitor, If you do a lot of work yourself It can save you save lot as I did, the Total cost through a Solicitor approx. £1600 + £400 for the Order, you might need a G.P. Certification if it's dementia, that will cost as it did with me £90 but you can claim this back, you are in a very tricky spot here if your parents have full trust in your Sister, given chance I would burn the funds rather that letting my so-called brother have it, Nasty! No, I do not like people like that. Good Luck x