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It's Cold, Dial 411

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stuey | 21:32 Thu 12th Feb 2015 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
...or 999 in your case. This is the first time that I've heard these announcements over the radio. We are being asked to phone 411 if we encounter people in "precarious" situations: street people poorly dressed; old people wandering around aimlessly; etc. I think this is because at least three people have died of exposure so far this Winter in Toronto. Should I go to the bar later or not? OK, that's settled:yes.


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Is it Bitter........or lager!
>>>old people wandering around aimlessly

That probably describes at least 90% of the people who post in Chatterbank (definitely including me anyway), Stuey
just make sure you don't go poorly dressed or wander around aimlessly on the way there or back
Question Author
Brilliant, as usual, Sipowicz:). When I go out in about an hour, I will definitely have an aim, Chris:)
these people look fairly precarious - keep an eye out for them
Question Author
I'll take a cab back for sure, HS.
^jno's spotted the right cab rank for you
God there are people out there in Toronto at night without shelter ?

Blimey not for long, surely ?

here in sunny Manch - it is +4'C and bone chillingly cold - but that is because I am a pink whining Anglo.
excuse me chris !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wander with intent :)
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I'd be calling 411 as I'm scurrying away from that lot!
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Some sleep over the subway gratings to get some warmth.
No 1 son spent 5 winters in Edmonton, Alberta- accounts for a lot I guess.
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I meant 911, not 411.
really pretty grim - at least the authorities are asking people to be neighbourly though

when will the field be trudgeable again?
>>>I wander with intent

That sounds like a criminal offence to me, Anne!
Get yer snow shoes and parka on, stuey.
>>>I meant 911, not 411

It's OK, Stuey. We know that you can't be expected to think straight until you've had your daily fix of alcohol ;-)
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There are lots of homeless shelters in the city, and during these severe snaps they open up more. However, some people refuse to use them! I won't be seeing that field for many a week, I don't think.
I suppose they have reasons I can't fathom, but I'd be in like a rat up a drain myself

so, we have the first trudge of spring to look forward to - a harbinger of summer and even cooler beer

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