A friend who doesn't have internet access has asked me where she applies to renew her Blue Badge.
I've looked online but it leads me to do it online every time. I guess I am looking in the wrong place so does anyone know what I should advise. She already had one so just needs to renew.
I would suggest her local civic centre/town hall. In the London Borough of Sutton they deal with applications and assess elegibility. They will ask permission to speak to GP etc. As it is a renewal just give her Town hall a telephone call.
Go to your local council or CAB office and they'll be able to tell you apply for your area.I got mine from the local council office two years ago but every things changed in the last few months and I've been told I've got to send off to somewhere in Nottingham next time
Here, you can download the form from the District Council website (or someone else could download and print off the form for your friend), then she can fill it in hard copy and send it off.
I received my forms for renewal about six weeks before i was due. It's a terrible form to fill in. An awful lot of pages and some of the questions a bit obscure.
Only certain sections of the form have to be filled in if you are in receipt of qualifying benefits such as DLA High rate mobility/PIP either standard or enhanced Mobility etc. sending proof of award is required.
Not all Councils send out renewal reminders due to high postage costs so don't rely on a reminder. I believe you should apply between 6 and 8 weeks prior to expiry of current badge.