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Daily Mail 20Th. Feb

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Rob_skn | 10:51 Fri 20th Feb 2015 | Crosswords
13 Answers
26. English golfer and Marx brother?


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Letter count please?
Eng Els
Engels -Eng(English) + Els(golfer)
Associate of Karl Marx
I agree with Eng Els.
The term brother is used in the sense of socialist 'brother'
Is it true Karl Marx's grave is in Highgate Cemetery or is that just a Communist plot?

/// a Communist plot ///

Ha ha!
The (spoken) trivial pursuit question is: Where is there a Marks and Spencer opposite one another? Ans. Highgate Cemetery, referring to Karl Marx and Herbert Spencer
Yes writesbad, they are indeed buried opposite each other in Highgate cemetery. On opposite sides of a pathway. Ironic really, with one being the 'father' of communism and the other the 'father' of free market economics. These days you have to pay to enter the cemetery but you can see the large bust of Karl Marx from Waterlow Park, next door.
Thanks, Michael

It's quite a few years since I visited Highgate Cemetery, and then it was terribly rundown and overgrown. I understand that restoration work has been undertaken. I always think there are many stories tucked away in a graveyard...


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Daily Mail 20Th. Feb

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