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Status Quo

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Caran | 01:56 Sat 21st Feb 2015 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Just watching them on BBC4, they do make me feel old. They look so old.
Still sound ok but make me think a bit. Where has the time gone?


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I was just thinking they seem to have aged much faster than me!

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Me too Baldrick.

It must be down to that Rock and Roll Lifestyle.
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Oh dear it's not very good at all.
Possibly down to the copious amounts of coke they've done in the past?

Not the canned type either!
They seem to have gone" down down deeper and down "hill faster than me.

I'll bet being canned had a lot to do with it as well!
Ive seen them a couple of times, the last in Abu Dhabi 20 years ago, and they were brilliant, but think they should call it quits now.
None of us look as good as we did in the 70s.
^^^^^^^ I resemble that remark.
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They did improve as the set went on, but still not as good as they used to be.
The sad thing is with the likes of Status Quo, The Rolling Stones, Paul McCartney, Elton John etc is that although they still sell out concerts they are well past their sell by dates.
You can add Rod Stewart to the list.
Lol Butterbun, is Rod that bad now as well?
I love the Quo and have seen them many times live over the years, the first time was at The Caley cinema Lothian Road Edinburgh and it was over 40 year ago. The last time I saw them was in Brighton. Still rocking all over the world............

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