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Belive It Or Not

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TWR | 21:14 Fri 20th Feb 2015 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
I am a very sentimental person, I try to help as many person out that I possible can, my main Charity is the North West Air Ambulance, & Cancer Research, I noticed of late the return of the "Children Starving" advert especially at tea time, I reiterate, will go to help anyone, but are these ads getting to become a P.I.T.A.?


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Just to help all the folks out here on AB; P.I.T.A means Pain In The A%%
I support the local charities, hospice, air rescue, cancer research and most animal charities but I really hate those PITA ads too TWR.
Why do they have children they can't feed and then expect us to pay?

Can't feed 'em, don't breed ;em.

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