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Hmrc Are Tax Avoiders !

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venator | 01:18 Mon 16th Feb 2015 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
It beggars belief...

Quis custodet ipsos custodies?


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... over 12 years ago !
Question Author
Does that make it OK?

These people are enforcing laws which they have cynically broken
12 years or 5 minutes ago, it just shows civil servants are as bent as the the MP's they are supposed to work for, hang on, that's us the tax payers.
Question Author
Has anyone been sacked for thid tax avoidance scam?

it was on Gordon Brown's watch

Gordon used the PFI fiddle to claim he was balancing the books - he was mortgaging our childrens' earnings.

Some say G.B. was prudent the rest of us know different.
Question Author
GB and Tony were fraudsters
Well found. I had a feeling Labour were opening a can of worms with this. Lol, you could tell some of them weren't so keen on it from the get-go. (I'd presumed for personal reasons)
Oh, so the false declaration was just "a mistake"?

That's okay then.

So a useful precedent statement for anyone else who makes an erroneous declaration? Err, it was just "a mistake"". Oops, sorreee!
Should offences that happened a long time ago no longer be punished?

Rolf Harris and Stuart Hall are probably hoping so.
I'm never sure where the line is drawn between acceptable tax avoidance and unacceptable tax avoidance.
What about:
- paying a decorator/windowcleaner/gardener in cash
- taxpayer putting savings in the name of non-tax paying spouse
- using a salary sacrifice scheme to avoid NI,
-taking up to 25% of your pension as a tax free lump sum

- applying (as the Milibands did) a retrospective deed of variation to a deceased parent's will to save a wad of inheritance tax

-tax havens used by Labour and Tory donors

- HMRC using tax efficient methods

- companies like Amazon and Starbucks setting up head office off shore

I agree that Labour could be opening a can of worms as many of these things happened on their watch. I also think it's a really difficult issue to tackle and tax advisers/lawyers will always be one step ahead of government/HMRC
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This deal, involving the sale of 600 State owned buildings must have been approved at a very high level - GB would have known about it.
on a pedantic note, it should be
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes
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You're right, nescio. It's 57 years since I did O Level Latin. In those days the exam included translation into Latin, of course - kids these days have it too easy.
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In case anyone missed this...

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Hmrc Are Tax Avoiders !

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