Crosswords0 min ago
On Line Shop
Hi Other than Ebay and Amazon does anyone know of a website that would allow users to set up a shop? I have some Jewellery to sell and if successful I would like to buy more and turn the exercise into a "paying" Hobby? So a Jewellery selling website would be obvious!!
I don't think Ebay or Amazon is the right place but that's only because I go on them for a good old bargain. What I have may sell for a couple of thousand ( I may be wrong though ) anyone have any ideas or thoughts
I don't think Ebay or Amazon is the right place but that's only because I go on them for a good old bargain. What I have may sell for a couple of thousand ( I may be wrong though ) anyone have any ideas or thoughts
This might help? http:// www. shopsie. co. uk
18:03 Wed 25th Feb 2015
This might help? http:// www.sho .uk
The best known website for selling craft products (including jewellery) is this one:
https:/ / uk/
(It's US-based but plenty of Brits buy & sell on it. Click 'Open a Shop', towards the bottom left of the page, for more details)
(It's US-based but plenty of Brits buy & sell on it. Click 'Open a Shop', towards the bottom left of the page, for more details)
Etsy is a good place for selling jewelry but not at the prices you seem to think you can get. You can set up your own website with very little technical knowledge -try Vista -it gives you the option to have a shop within your own website with shopping cart and link to Paypal. Think about it though -if you were going to pay big money for an item of jewelry would you buy unseen on line ?
Retrochic, some Etsy sellers are quite pricey.
This is just one item I clicked on;
https:/ / uk/list ing/111 452236/ stateme nt-neck lace-ga rnet-ne cklace- white?r ef=br_f eed_10& amp;br_ feed_tl p=jewel ry
There is pricier stuff there and it does sell. The art section also has some original stuff well into the thousands of pounds.
This is just one item I clicked on;
There is pricier stuff there and it does sell. The art section also has some original stuff well into the thousands of pounds.
## If I was spending that much money, with respect, i would be buying from an expert and would want to see the jewellery personally before I paid for it, or to have some kind of solid guarantee as to provenance, quality and so on.##
I agree Woof, a couple of grand without seeing it personally wouldn't interest me.
I agree Woof, a couple of grand without seeing it personally wouldn't interest me.
Wow what a mixed bag! Thanks guys ... Thanks for the links and tips .. Thanks for you're views thanks for the etsy link, I actually use that site for arts and crafts items, never knew it sold jewellery!! And yes I agree about the buying experience too if spending a lot of money... but I will be selling quality new and used items around half price .. With authentication when ever possible..... aIso I don't want to set up a high street shop I don't want a business I want an interest that pays me a bit .... A win win wouldn't you say! I have seen expensive items sold on line but usually by a big business with there own web site. I thank you all and say that etsy and shopsie are probably my mind of sites are there any others similar to those?? THANKS EVERYONE