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Any Ideas?

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sherrardk | 20:35 Sat 28th Feb 2015 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
My four youngest (11 year old boy, 9 year old girl and 6 year girl and boy) need to dress as spies, secret agents or detectives for Red Nose Day. I have drawn a complete blank on what they could wear although thing 1 wants to go as as Scooby Doo.


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You might find some over in the "news" section.
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Excellent - all sorted then.
And don't forget to put a cardboard replica of the Enigma machine in one of their back-packs.
Shave ones head and give him a lollipop, and get him to go round asking "Who luvs ya baby?"
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Might be a bit extreme to save all of their heads - probably get suspended for having dodgy haircuts.
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Do you get commission on all these ebay sites you're directing me towards :)
No sherr, but I bliddy well ought to ;-)
They could dress in 1940s clothing and go as 4 of the Famous Five - they were always solving mysteries.
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I could actually get girl dressed like that - she has black leggings and a top and I must have an old halo knocking around.
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Well that's 50% of them sorted (if I can get them to agree), boy #2 can wear shades and take a walkie talkie and his spy binoculars (then he won't feel too dressed up). Just got to get thing 2 sorted out and the job's a good 'un. Cheers all.
My friend's got a fancy dress shop (not that this will help you, sher) but she's turning out all sorts of outfits for Schools Book Week at the moment.
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I was hoping they would do dressing up for book week, I've got that well covered (but they only do that every other year). Think the whole of Red Nose Day is going to be themed around spy stuff and they are just going to do fun things.

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